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external clientele

  • 1 external clientele

    марк. внешняя клиентура (лица и организации, которые являются клиентами компании, но не причастны к деятельности компании)

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > external clientele

  • 2 outside audience

    а) общ. (группа людей, которые не имеют какого-л. прямого отношения к данной организации или мероприятия, напр. не являются членами организации, не принимали участия в организации и подготовке мероприятия, но привлекаются в качестве консультантов, советчиков, критиков, зрителей, потребителей и т. п.)

    A course assignment involving a research project is not considered research if the data are only shared with the course instructor and/or students in the class and never shared with an outside audience. — Курсовая работа, предполагающая проведение исследования, не будет считаться исследовательской, если ее результаты будут продемонстрированы только преподавателю и/или остальным студентам, без привлечения внешней аудитории.

    The term includes a wide range of theatre activities and situations developed by and for the participants rather than for an outside audience. — Семестр предполагает организацию различных театральных постановок и мероприятий для самих участников, а не для внешней аудитории.

    Negotiators will often make speeches that are designed more to appeal to the outside audience than the people at the table. — Участники переговорного процесса часто произносят речи, которые скорее адресованы внешней аудитории, нежели остальным участникам переговоров.

    б) марк. (группы лиц, которые либо являются потенциальными потребителями товаров и услуг организации, либо могут оказывать на нее какое-л. значительное влияние, напр., спонсоры, представители властных структур и СМИ; к такой аудитории часто обращены рекламные сообщения компании, различные информационные мероприятия, такие как пресс-релизы и т. п.)

    If you don't have the budget to accommodate professional survey work, you and your colleagues must monitor those perceptions yourself. Interact with members of that outside audience by asking questions like "Have you ever had contact with anyone from our organization? Was it a satisfactory experience? Are you familiar with our services or products?" — Если у вас нет средств для проведения профессионального исследования, вы и ваши коллеги должны сами проследить и выяснить, как воспринимается ваша организация. Для этого необходимо провести опросы внешней аудитории типа: "Были ли у вас контакты с нашей организацией? Насколько они были позитивны? Знакомы ли вам наши услуги или товары?".

    Ask yourself one big question. Who is my public relations target? Focus on that certain outside audience that you know affects your organization more than any other. — Задай себе один главный вопрос. Кто входит в целевую аудиторию моей PR-кампании? При ответе на вопрос сконцентрируй все внимание на той части внешней аудитории, которая больше всего влияет на твою организацию.

    The new design of our web-site is meant to be a marketing tool to the outside audience. This includes potential students, donors, alumni, media representatives, job applicants, and so on. — Новый дизайн нашего веб-сайта является маркетинговым инструментом для воздействия на нашу внешнюю аудиторию, которая представлена потенциальными студентами, спонсорами, бывшими студентами, представителями СМИ, потенциальными сотрудниками и т. п.


    Англо-русский экономический словарь > outside audience

  • 3 use

    utilisation1 (a), 1 (b) emploi1 (a), 1 (c) consommation1 (a) usage1 (a)-(d), 1 (f), 1 (g) besoin1 (d) se servir de2 (a), 2 (b) utiliser2 (a), 2 (c) employer2 (a) prendre2 (a), 2 (e) profiter de2 (b) consommer2 (c) finir2 (c)
    1 noun [ju:s]
    (a) (utilization → of materials) utilisation f, emploi m; (consumption → of water, resources etc) consommation f; (being used, worn etc) usage m;
    the use of brick in building l'emploi ou l'utilisation de la brique dans la construction;
    to stretch (out) with use se détendre à l'usage;
    the dishes are for everyday use c'est la vaisselle de tous les jours;
    ready for use prêt à l'emploi;
    directions or instructions for use (on packaging) mode d'emploi;
    for your personal use (on packaging) pour votre usage personnel;
    for customer use only (sign) réservé à notre clientèle;
    Medicine for external/internal use only (on packaging) à usage externe/interne;
    for use in case of emergency (sign) à utiliser en cas d'urgence;
    the film is for use in teaching le film est destiné à l'enseignement;
    in use (machine, system) en usage, utilisé; (lift, cash point) en service; (phrase, word) usité;
    in general use d'emploi courant, d'utilisation courante;
    not in use, out of use (machine, system) hors d'usage; (lift, cash point) hors service;
    the phrase is no longer in use l'expression est inusitée ou ne s'utilise plus;
    to come into use entrer en service;
    to go out of use (machine) être mis au rebut;
    steam engines went out of use in 1950 on a cessé d'utiliser ou d'employer les machines à vapeur en 1950;
    to make use of sth se servir de ou utiliser qch;
    schools are making increasing use of audio-visual aids les écoles se servent de plus en plus de supports audiovisuels;
    to make good use of, to put to good use (machine, money) faire bon usage de; (opportunity, experience) tirer profit de
    (b) (ability or right to use) usage m, utilisation f;
    we gave them the use of our car nous leur avons laissé l'usage de notre voiture;
    he only has the use of one arm il n'a l'usage que d'un bras;
    she lost the use of her legs elle a perdu l'usage de ses jambes;
    the old man still has the full use of his faculties le vieil homme jouit encore de toutes ses facultés
    (c) (practical application) usage m, emploi m;
    this tool has many uses cet outil a de nombreux usages ou emplois;
    we found a use for the old fridge nous avons trouvé un emploi pour le vieux frigo;
    humorous I have my uses il m'arrive de servir à quelque chose
    (d) (need) besoin m, usage m;
    do you have any use for this book? avez-vous besoin de ce livre?;
    to have no use for sth ne pas avoir besoin de qch; figurative n'avoir que faire de qch;
    I have no use for idle gossip je n'ai que faire des cancans;
    this department has no use for slackers il n'y a pas de place pour les fainéants dans ce service
    to be of use (to sb) être utile (à qn), servir (à qn);
    this dictionary might be of use to you ce dictionnaire pourrait vous être utile ou vous servir;
    were the instructions (of) any use? est-ce que le mode d'emploi a servi à quelque chose?;
    I found his advice to be of little use, his advice was of little use to me je n'ai pas trouvé ses conseils très utiles;
    the book would be of more use if it had illustrations le livre serait plus utile s'il contenait des illustrations;
    it's not much use cela ne sert pas à grand-chose;
    he's not much use as a secretary il n'est pas brillant comme secrétaire;
    to be (of) no use (thing) ne servir à rien; (person) n'être bon à rien;
    they were no use at all during the move ils n'ont rien fait pendant le déménagement;
    you're no use! tu n'es bon à rien!;
    it's or there's no use complaining inutile de ou ça ne sert à rien de se plaindre;
    there's no use shouting ça ne sert à rien de crier, (c'est) inutile de crier;
    it's no use, we might as well give up c'est inutile ou ça ne sert à rien, autant abandonner;
    I tried to convince her but it was no use j'ai essayé de la convaincre mais il n'y avait rien à faire;
    is it any use calling her? est-ce que ça servira à quelque chose de l'appeler?;
    what's the use of waiting? à quoi bon attendre?, à quoi ça sert d'attendre?;
    oh, what's the use? à quoi bon?;
    familiar ironic that's a fat lot of use! ça nous fait une belle jambe!
    (f) Linguistics usage m;
    that's an old-fashioned use c'est un usage vieilli
    (g) Religion usage m
    2 transitive verb [ju:z]
    (a) (put into action → service, tool, skills) se servir de, utiliser; (→ product, name) utiliser; (→ method, phrase, word) employer; (→ vehicle, form of transport) prendre;
    these are the notebooks he used ce sont les cahiers dont il s'est servi ou qu'il a utilisés;
    is anyone using this book? est-ce que quelqu'un se sert de ou a besoin de ce livre?;
    it's very easy to use c'est très facile à utiliser;
    it's no longer used (machine, tool) ça ne sert plus; (word, expression) ça n'est plus usité;
    am I using the term correctly? est-ce comme ça qu'on utilise le terme?;
    I'd like to use my language skills more j'aimerais utiliser davantage mes connaissances en langues;
    I always use public transport je prends toujours les transports en commun;
    we use this room as an office nous nous servons de cette pièce comme bureau, cette pièce nous sert de bureau;
    what is this used for or as? à quoi cela sert-il?;
    it's used for identifying the blood type cela sert à identifier le groupe sanguin;
    I use it for opening or to open letters je m'en sers ou je l'utilise pour ouvrir les lettres;
    I used the money to rebuild my garage j'ai utilisé ou employé l'argent pour reconstruire mon garage;
    what battery does this radio use? quelle pile faut-il pour cette radio?;
    my car uses unleaded petrol ma voiture marche à l'essence sans plomb;
    may I use the phone? puis-je téléphoner?;
    he asked to use the British toilet or American bathroom il a demandé à aller aux toilettes;
    to use force/violence avoir recours à la force/violence;
    the police often use tear gas la police a souvent recours au gaz lacrymogène;
    to use one's intelligence/intuition faire marcher son intelligence/intuition;
    to use diplomacy user de diplomatie;
    to use discretion agir avec discrétion;
    to use one's influence user de son influence;
    use your imagination! utilise ton imagination!;
    use your initiative! fais preuve d'initiative!;
    use your head or your brains! réfléchis un peu!;
    use your eyes! ouvrez l'œil!;
    familiar he could certainly use some help un peu d'aide ne lui ferait pas de mal;
    familiar we could all use a holiday! nous aurions tous bien besoin de vacances!
    (b) (exploit, take advantage of → opportunity) profiter de; (→ person) se servir de;
    use it to your advantage! profitez-en!;
    he's only using you to get ahead il ne fait que se servir de toi pour avancer;
    I feel used j'ai l'impression qu'on s'est servi de moi
    (c) (consume) consommer, utiliser; (finish, use up) finir, épuiser;
    the car's using a lot of oil la voiture consomme beaucoup d'huile;
    have you used all the shampoo? as-tu utilisé tout le shampooing?
    they used the workers well ils ont bien traité les ouvriers, ils ont bien agi envers les ouvriers;
    I consider I was ill used je considère qu'on ne m'a pas traité comme il faut;
    how's the world been using you? comment ça va?
    (e) familiar (drug) prendre
    [ju:z] (only in past tense) they used to live here (avant) ils habitaient ici;
    he used to drink a lot il buvait beaucoup avant;
    it used to be true c'était vrai autrefois;
    it used to be a pleasant town to live in autrefois c'était une ville agréable;
    things aren't what they used to be les choses ne sont plus ce qu'elles étaient;
    she can't get about the way she used to elle ne peut plus se déplacer comme avant;
    she never used to smoke elle ne fumait pas avant;
    we used not or we didn't use to eat meat avant, nous ne mangions pas de viande;
    did he use to visit her? venait-il la voir avant?;
    do you travel much? - I used to vous voyagez beaucoup? - autrefois, oui
    [ju:z] familiar (use drugs) se camer
    (consume) consommer, prendre; (exhaust → paper, soap) finir; (→ patience, energy, supplies) épuiser;
    she used up the leftovers to make the soup elle a utilisé les restes pour faire un potage;
    did you use up all your money? as-tu dépensé tout ton argent?;
    the paper was all used up il ne restait plus de papier

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > use

См. также в других словарях:

  • Clientele effect — represents the impact on the stock price that investors would cause in reaction to a change in policy of a company. Consequently, dividend policy won t effect the value of the stock as long as clientele exist, dividend policy is irrelevant.… …   Wikipedia

  • The Clientele — Infobox musical artist Name = The Clientele Img capt = Img size = Landscape = Background = group or band Alias = Origin = London, England, United Kingdom Genre = Indie pop Years active = 1991present Label = Merge Records Pointy Records Associated …   Wikipedia

  • Notre Dame of Midsayap College — is a Catholic institution in Midsayap, Cotabato run by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate and it has been a member of the Notre Dame Educational Association, a group of Notre Dame Schools in the Philippines under the patronage of the Blessed Virgin… …   Wikipedia

  • Notre Dame of Midsayap College (NDMC) — History = When the Missionary Fathers came to Mindanao in 1939, they were confronted with the difficult problem of how to reach out to the people to spread the Word of God. After much consideration, Fr. Gerard Mongeau, OMI and his Oblate brothers …   Wikipedia

  • Investment advisory — Investment advisory, in financial/investment organizations, is the unit linking the investment professionals in the central asset management unit (Investment Research, Portfolio Management) to the relationship managers and/or to important clients …   Wikipedia

  • Praxis intervention — is a kind of Participatory Action Research, with a difference. Participatory Action Research and its kinds emphasize on the collective modification of the external world. The Praxis Intervention, on the other hand emphasizes working on the Praxis …   Wikipedia

  • Ghostface Killah — This article is about the rapper. For the Scream killer, see Ghostface (Scream). Ghostface Killah Background information Birth name Dennis Coles …   Wikipedia

  • Ninoy Aquino Learning Resources Center — Ninoy Aquino Library and Learning Resources Center Motto …   Wikipedia

  • Germany — /jerr meuh nee/, n. a republic in central Europe: after World War II divided into four zones, British, French, U.S., and Soviet, and in 1949 into East Germany and West Germany; East and West Germany were reunited in 1990. 84,068,216; 137,852 sq.… …   Universalium

  • Gay bar — For the song by Electric Six, see Gay Bar (song). The historic Stonewall Inn in New York City was the site of the famous Stonewall riots of 1969, which have come to symbolize the beginning of the modern gay liberation movement in the United… …   Wikipedia

  • Wu-Tang Clan — Infobox musical artist Name = Wu Tang Clan Img capt = Members of the Wu Tang Clan and their affiliates performing at the Virgin Festival in Baltimore. From left: Mathematics (background), Inspectah Deck, Streetlife, U God, Cappadonna (crouched),… …   Wikipedia

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